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Looking for the best pick up line that would work for you?

Well, it might not be as easy to understand and apply as you think it is. Because, unlike what you are used to hearing and learning from the media, I’m going to totally challenge the conception of a pickup line and introduce you to a whole new world of theory.
What I’m going tell you next is something different and unheard of for most.
But let me ask you this.
Did you know that the best pick up line is not just a simple catchy line that you can throw at any girl.
Yes, we think of singular lines, but that’s NOT what REALLY works.
The best pickup lines involves a series or sequence of things that you need to say to create an ideal atmosphere so you easily and smoothly transition into a real conversation.
Pick up lines usually start with an “opener”. These pick up line openers are usually subjective and you need to ask questions that begin with a how, when, where, what and why. The reason for this is so that girls can explain or elaborate their answers more to give them the impression that you’re getting to know her for her – and you’re not just picking her up because she’s hot.
Now instead of forcing you to come up with lame and generic pickup lines that have NOT been tested, I have gone out and compiled for you a list of great pickup lines that have worked for me and other people so that you can use it yourself.
It’s up to you to read and understand these lines so that you’ll know how to adjust it to your situation so that you can pick up the girls that you meet regardless of where you meet the girl.
Just one more thing, I think the best “pickup line” is not actually a line, but a set sequence of things you say that eases you into a conversation. So that’s why the pickup lines that I have compiled are more just “a single” line

10 Simple Fool-Proof Steps to Attract Hotter WomenClick Here